Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Тема: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs


We are almost in 2021 and still Wialon has no option to import large amount of data about Fuel fillings and other expenses in Fleet.

Nobody wants to enter such large amount of data by hand and there has to be an option to import data by csv,xml or other formats.

It is really necessary to solve this ASAP.

Best regards


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

aahero пишет:


We are almost in 2021 and still Wialon has no option to import large amount of data about Fuel fillings and other expenses in Fleet.

Nobody wants to enter such large amount of data by hand and there has to be an option to import data by csv,xml or other formats.

It is really necessary to solve this ASAP.

Best regards


Thank you for sharing your feedback. We gradually improve functionality of fuel fillings and we are planning to add import and export by mid of January 2021.
Please stay tuned!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Aahero i was in a negotiation with a telematics supplier here,directly.Do you know that the sensor's they are immobilized,they have a service life and their cost depreciate according the service life?

This article will clarify this.

https://translate.google.com/translate? … stimentos/

https://translate.google.com/translate? … no-Treasy-


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

(04/01/2021 00:57:14 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Other article with an example wich it's intersting to read it's this:https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&u=https://suporte.treasy.com.br/hc/pt-br/articles/360029425751-Como-%25C3%25A9-inserido-o-valor-de-venda-de-um-ativo-imobilizado-e-como-aparece-no-no-DRE-Demonstrativo-de-Resultado-do-Exerc%25C3%25ADcio-

This article talk about the situation where the company buy a vehicle with 90k and sell for 50k.The logic it's compatible with the produc's that Gurtam and Flespi offer,due to the function of maintenance it's increase the service life of product:Tires,cars,truck's.In this case of  the truck's the product's will be depreciate less,and when the Vehicle will be selling your market value coud be higher depending of the state of the product,and the historical maintenance level.

The vehicle will be lose value with this logic ". Service object: Mileage from the start of operation
From now on, you will be able to enter a mileage from the moment you started to operate the vehicle Unit: Unit profile page.
It means that you will see two mileages on unit page: "Total mileage - counted from the moment the vehicle is bought. It is the odometer reading. Previously it was called: Current mileage.
Actual mileage - counted from the moment you started to operate the vehicle.
To calculate the actual mileage should do the following:

Actual mileage = Total mileage - Mileage from the start of operation
To calculate the cost per 1 km you should do the following:

Cost per 1 km = Total cost / Actual mileage",in a structure where the user will  register the vehicle and  the  market value of the vehicle.The vehicle lose your value  according the service life (the field it's vida util).

  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs
  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs
  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs
  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs
  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs
  • Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

(05/01/2021 04:18:22 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

I think that the article above could help the demand solicited by the user called a.serhiienko.The doubt of the user was how to compute the cost of a new vehicle.To solve this problem it's necessary create a option of immobilized assets for the user list the vehicle with their market value in fleetrun and put  the time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset.

For example if a fleet's buy  new vehicle for 100 k,In this case the user should take  in the  object your value 100k, the average kilometer/engine hours considering the time that the fleet's will stay with the vehicle in your asset according to the point 4,at the picture above.This will be a cost called depreciation,this cost will be fixed and you should add with the total cost.

The cost related with telematics (maintenance,fuel,depreciation) there aren't problems, due to it's possible works with the kpi's at the documentation  export the expenses.The only exception it's the depreciation cost ,due to new vehicles your mileage it's unkown,and the result will appear in your income statement years later when the company sell the vehicle (you could see the picture one and two above).

A practical solution if the average age that the fleet's maintain a vehicle in your asset it's ten years,and the current age it's eight years,the user should put manually the current market value of the vehicle (20k), and the expected time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset,at this case will be two years.

In the example above the depreciation cost will be (20.000/24 months),and your cost will be 833 usd montly,and you should add this cost with the total cost.The parameter of the depreciation it's fixed (there are no counter parameter),instead the parameter of cost per mileage could be cumulative.

Follow other documentation of SAP about depreciation:

https://help.sap.com/viewer/2754875d2d2 … 57a4a.html


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

phillype_loredo пишет:

I think that the article above could help the demand solicited by the user called a.serhiienko.The doubt of the user was how to compute the cost of a new vehicle.To solve this problem it's necessary create a option of immobilized assets for the user list the vehicle with their market value in fleetrun and put  the time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset.

For example if a fleet's buy  new vehicle for 100 k,In this case the user should take  in the  object your value 100k, the average kilometer/engine hours considering the time that the fleet's will stay with the vehicle in your asset according to the point 4,at the picture above.This will be a cost called depreciation,this cost will be fixed and you should add with the total cost.

The cost related with telematics (maintenance,fuel,depreciation) there aren't problems, due to it's possible works with the kpi's at the documentation  export the expenses.The only exception it's the depreciation cost ,due to new vehicles your mileage it's unkown,and the result will appear in your income statement years later when the company sell the vehicle (you could see the picture one and two above).

A practical solution if the average age that the fleet's maintain a vehicle in your asset it's ten years,and the current age it's eight years,the user should put manually the current market value of the vehicle (20k), and the expected time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset,at this case will be two years.

In the example above the depreciation cost will be (20.000/24 months),and your cost will be 833 usd montly,and you should add this cost with the total cost.The parameter of the depreciation it's fixed (there are no counter parameter),instead the parameter of cost per mileage could be cumulative.

Follow other documentation of SAP about depreciation:

https://help.sap.com/viewer/2754875d2d2 … 57a4a.html


From the message you write I see that you suggest to include a vehicle cost to the Object Total cost. Could you please clarify how is this connected to import?
Thank you in advance!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

I'm with aahero on this one. Having the ability to either import fuel records or have the ability to integrate with a fuel card supplier via API would be a big avantage.


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Coops пишет:



Thank you for making us know that you also wait this functionality!
I have good news here. This week we release import of fuel fillings. A bit later we will add integration with fuel cards.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

That's great news!!


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

aahero пишет:


We are almost in 2021 and still Wialon has no option to import large amount of data about Fuel fillings and other expenses in Fleet.

Nobody wants to enter such large amount of data by hand and there has to be an option to import data by csv,xml or other formats.

It is really necessary to solve this ASAP.

Best regards

I have good news about your request as import functionality is developed!

Please provide your feedback on email: kapa@gurtam.com
Fleetrun team would appreciate it immensely!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Coops пишет:

I'm with aahero on this one. Having the ability to either import fuel records or have the ability to integrate with a fuel card supplier via API would be a big avantage.


I want to inform you that import is already developed for fuel fillings.

Please provide your feedback on email: kapa@gurtam.com
Fleetrun team would appreciate it immensely!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs


Great news for all!!

So for next step please allow this import to be seen in Wialon fuel report, so it can be used to compare fuel filling(from Fuel company) to fuel reading from GPS device.

Best regards

kapa пишет:
Coops пишет:

I'm with aahero on this one. Having the ability to either import fuel records or have the ability to integrate with a fuel card supplier via API would be a big avantage.


I want to inform you that import is already developed for fuel fillings.

Please provide your feedback on email: kapa@gurtam.com
Fleetrun team would appreciate it immensely!


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs


Any news regarding the release of the FuelFillings  Import feature.
We are in February now smile



Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

In addition with those comments, could it be possible to have a link in FLEETRUN to import directly from WH and Event Register in the work panel the manuals fuel fillings ?

Somes customers filled themselves manually the event register with fuel tickets and compare with canBUS datas.

So, it should be a good enhance if the system could be tranfer automatically the manual register event to Fleetrun.

Thank you


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs


Yes, we definitely need interaction Fleetrun-Wialon on Fuel data!

Best regards

Road-Link пишет:

In addition with those comments, could it be possible to have a link in FLEETRUN to import directly from WH and Event Register in the work panel the manuals fuel fillings ?

Somes customers filled themselves manually the event register with fuel tickets and compare with canBUS datas.

So, it should be a good enhance if the system could be tranfer automatically the manual register event to Fleetrun.

Thank you


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

There is something strange about fuel feature in Fleetrun. When we register all fuel datas with prices and volumes, the cost of fuel is not taken in count in the metrics of the TCO !? Why ? Fuel is the most important expense of a vehicle but it's not considered in the calcul of the monthly cost...


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

tonym пишет:


Any news regarding the release of the FuelFillings  Import feature.
We are in February now smile


I hope you have seen that fuel fillings import is available since February, 02.
If you have any feedback, we will be glad to have it.

Thank you in advance!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Road-Link пишет:

In addition with those comments, could it be possible to have a link in FLEETRUN to import directly from WH and Event Register in the work panel the manuals fuel fillings ?

Somes customers filled themselves manually the event register with fuel tickets and compare with canBUS datas.

So, it should be a good enhance if the system could be tranfer automatically the manual register event to Fleetrun.

Thank you


Thank you for the idea! It has already been registered but as of now I cannot provide ETA. Still, it is definitely our next step on fuel fillings improvement.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Road-Link пишет:



Do you mean that this cost is not shown on Dashboard?

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

kapa пишет:
Road-Link пишет:



Do you mean that this cost is not shown on Dashboard?

Yes of course ! we are talking about thousands Euros every months for fuel expenses and those values are not take in count in the TCO of Fleetrun.


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Road-Link пишет:
kapa пишет:
Road-Link пишет:



Do you mean that this cost is not shown on Dashboard?

Yes of course ! we are talking about thousands Euros every months for fuel expenses and those values are not take in count in the TCO of Fleetrun.


Nowadays, we analyse improvements for Fleetrun Dashboard.
I want to suggest you to take part in a meeting where I will share a prototype for you that works almost like the Fleetrun application itself but with new functionality. It will take 30 - 60 min.

Fleetrun team will appreciate immensely your opinion!
If you are able to meet with me, please write your e-mail here or in private messages.
Here is my email: kapa@gurtam.com

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Nowadays, we analyse improvements for Fleetrun Dashboard.
I want to suggest you to take part in a meeting where I will share a prototype for you that works almost like the Fleetrun application itself but with new functionality. It will take 30 - 60 min

When this meeting will be scheduled ?


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Road-Link пишет:

Nowadays, we analyse improvements for Fleetrun Dashboard.
I want to suggest you to take part in a meeting where I will share a prototype for you that works almost like the Fleetrun application itself but with new functionality. It will take 30 - 60 min

When this meeting will be scheduled ?

Please write me on my email and we will schedule the meeting when it is good for you.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

kapa пишет:
phillype_loredo пишет:

I think that the article above could help the demand solicited by the user called a.serhiienko.The doubt of the user was how to compute the cost of a new vehicle.To solve this problem it's necessary create a option of immobilized assets for the user list the vehicle with their market value in fleetrun and put  the time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset.

For example if a fleet's buy  new vehicle for 100 k,In this case the user should take  in the  object your value 100k, the average kilometer/engine hours considering the time that the fleet's will stay with the vehicle in your asset according to the point 4,at the picture above.This will be a cost called depreciation,this cost will be fixed and you should add with the total cost.

The cost related with telematics (maintenance,fuel,depreciation) there aren't problems, due to it's possible works with the kpi's at the documentation  export the expenses.The only exception it's the depreciation cost ,due to new vehicles your mileage it's unkown,and the result will appear in your income statement years later when the company sell the vehicle (you could see the picture one and two above).

A practical solution if the average age that the fleet's maintain a vehicle in your asset it's ten years,and the current age it's eight years,the user should put manually the current market value of the vehicle (20k), and the expected time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset,at this case will be two years.

In the example above the depreciation cost will be (20.000/24 months),and your cost will be 833 usd montly,and you should add this cost with the total cost.The parameter of the depreciation it's fixed (there are no counter parameter),instead the parameter of cost per mileage could be cumulative.

Follow other documentation of SAP about depreciation:

https://help.sap.com/viewer/2754875d2d2 … 57a4a.html


From the message you write I see that you suggest to include a vehicle cost to the Object Total cost. Could you please clarify how is this connected to import?
Thank you in advance!

Here is an example,it's interisting due to control  of tangible assets it's important in the companies.

https://translate.google.com/translate? … no-Treasy-


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

phillype_loredo пишет:
kapa пишет:
phillype_loredo пишет:

I think that the article above could help the demand solicited by the user called a.serhiienko.The doubt of the user was how to compute the cost of a new vehicle.To solve this problem it's necessary create a option of immobilized assets for the user list the vehicle with their market value in fleetrun and put  the time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset.

For example if a fleet's buy  new vehicle for 100 k,In this case the user should take  in the  object your value 100k, the average kilometer/engine hours considering the time that the fleet's will stay with the vehicle in your asset according to the point 4,at the picture above.This will be a cost called depreciation,this cost will be fixed and you should add with the total cost.

The cost related with telematics (maintenance,fuel,depreciation) there aren't problems, due to it's possible works with the kpi's at the documentation  export the expenses.The only exception it's the depreciation cost ,due to new vehicles your mileage it's unkown,and the result will appear in your income statement years later when the company sell the vehicle (you could see the picture one and two above).

A practical solution if the average age that the fleet's maintain a vehicle in your asset it's ten years,and the current age it's eight years,the user should put manually the current market value of the vehicle (20k), and the expected time that the fleet's will be stay with the vehicle in your asset,at this case will be two years.

In the example above the depreciation cost will be (20.000/24 months),and your cost will be 833 usd montly,and you should add this cost with the total cost.The parameter of the depreciation it's fixed (there are no counter parameter),instead the parameter of cost per mileage could be cumulative.

Follow other documentation of SAP about depreciation:

https://help.sap.com/viewer/2754875d2d2 … 57a4a.html


From the message you write I see that you suggest to include a vehicle cost to the Object Total cost. Could you please clarify how is this connected to import?
Thank you in advance!

Here is an example,it's interisting due to control  of tangible assets it's important in the companies.

https://translate.google.com/translate? … no-Treasy-

Thank you very much, now I see what you mean. We will definitely consider it.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Do we have any news about managing tolls, expenses and accommodation costs?
We have some demands on this kind of expenses managing.
If we had a tab for registering costs and ability to create custom/use stndard types of expenses, we could use Fleetrun for new variety of cases.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

(22/02/2025 18:38:57 отредактировано jasbonjonwick)

Re: Importing of Fuel,Toll,lease and other costs

Re: Importing of Fuel, Toll, Lease, and Other Costs

Hi @aahero,

I completely agree with your point. Managing fuel fillings and other fleet expenses manually is inefficient, especially when dealing with large fleets. An import feature for CSV, XML, or other formats would significantly streamline operations.

Wialon should prioritize adding this functionality to enhance fleet management and reduce manual workload. Hopefully, they address this soon.

By the way, if you're looking for useful calculation tools, you might find this helpful:احتساب العمرhttps://agecalculationar.com/

Best regards,