Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

Тема: Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

I have an web application that get the message from a one unit at time to finally create driver's path in google maps.
One user has as much as 30,000 messages.

I'm using Javascript and using the functions

var ml = sess.getMessagesLoader();
ml.loadInterval (unit_id,timeFrom,timeTo,0,0,100,callback())

inside the callback function I do


more code here

If I ask for 30,000 messages it stops working but if I go 10,000 or below it works fine.

Any help would be appreciated ?


Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

Re: Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

arrays big enough? can http requests even send so much data?
from this "http://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/kit/remot … its/limits" it should work...
(i beliebe its some limitations in your programmcode / http protocoll or so...)

(but i am sure the geniuses from Gurtam will answer soon ;-)

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

Re: Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working


What do you mean "stops working"? Network request fails, javascript exception or ...?
Wialon has some limits like

No more than 4 million messages can be loaded into all user sessions

but i think you'll never face it.

Please check how many messages were loaded in loadInterval callback
Then you can add console.log(arguments) into getMessages to check what arguments come to function
Also some more info about "stops working" or piece of code will be helpfull


Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

Re: Wialon Messages over 10,000 stops working

Alex.Villalta, do You use Wialon Hosting or Local?

wwbusch aka Buwo pointed You to docs about Hosting requests limitations.

Wialon Local limits can be customized to lower values by admin.

As for big arrays - responses of http requests can be much bigger without problems.
(Actually response data size technically can even be unlimited).

Maybe there is some problem in Your code?
Try to comment everything in getMessages callback and just print the length of recieved data:

Head of Wialon Local Department