Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Тема: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Hi, my name is Andres Apodaca, i'm web developer for CTTMX/Dogo informatique, residing in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
The thing is that we like to suggest a new freature in you're order management solution, web and movile app.
We would like to be able to add products to order, every product with it's respective SKU(Stock-keeping uni) and a quantity of the product to be delivered to the client, this in the part of the Wialon logistics web version.

In the logistics movile app, at the moment the operator confirm the orders we need that the product name, SKU of the product, planned deliveries can be showed per order, and a input field where the operator can write the quantity of orders that he really delivered to the client (per product).

Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

note: the fields marked in red means the ones that not exist yet, but need to be added

More detailed look of the APP with the changes, How would it be convenient to add

Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

it would  be really good if these changes were made, apart from helping us, I think it is very useful for other clients, i really hope a positive answer


  • Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders
  • Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders
  • Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

I would be awesome if the products upload is more specific, at this moment its really too much general for my clients, I need a detail nivel more specific, for example in Kg or pieces it by product.


Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Hello, paulnorisr and andresapodaca38

I understand your concerns about this - adding details to the order (what product, quantity and so on) really would have a good influence on the app itself. At the moment big part of Logistics is in WH (main platform) so any changes are hard to be released as lots of feature requests cone to the main product. Anyway - we are waiting for at least "% of the order delivered" field + notifications and routing enhancements to be done in nearest releases.

Something like your proposal will be in the list of feature requests but the terms of arrival in the app are not predictable at the moment.

BR, serd.


Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Hi Gurtam Team,
Would like to know whether there's any update regarding the features mentioned by andresapodaca38. I just started using Logistics and looking for this features too


Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Actually we need this so badly cuz most of our customers asking for this


Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

Good day khalid18ab!

Thanks for your feedback!
At the moment, we are working on improving the current functionality, in particular, on the route optimization algorithm.

We will evaluate the possibility of developing this functionality in 2021.
First of all, we need to get more information about these functions and understand how it is popular with other users.

Anton Voitenko,
Wialon Product Manager, Gurtam

Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

(30/04/2021 06:21:38 отредактировано FleetPursuit)

Re: Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders

We too are seeing this function being requested by potential customers and existing customers also.

The use of custom fields does help a little however 2 issues with that it only works on Android not iOS and also when adding these as custom fields takes up a lot of space when viewing on driver's mobile and really look poor as well.

So presently it is not functional as an option particularly when there are several fields needing to be used.

Attached is an example of what a customer was looking for and what they currently provide drivers with in paper form.

  • Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders
  • Logistics - Addition of products, sku's and quantity in orders
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