Wialon specific Timezone when requesting the times

Тема: Wialon specific Timezone when requesting the times

I have an application that I'm developping and I've noticed that Wialon changes the times according to the Timezone of the Computer.
Is there a way to tell Wialon to send me the times in a specific TIMEZONE no matter which Timezone is the computer on.

I use wialong hosting and using javascript language.

Can you show me how.



Wialon specific Timezone when requesting the times

Re: Wialon specific Timezone when requesting the times

Alex.Villalta, Wialon server sends time in UTC without any timezone.
By default in JS your computer timezone is used when formatting time.
Wialon monitoring side formats time using selected timezone.
If You need to format time in custom timezone in Your app refer here:
https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … me/example

You need to make time offset in seconds:
1. substract current PC timezone value (in seconds) from server time
2. add custom timezone value (in seconds)

Head of Wialon Local Department